Have you ever been to Kiawah? This hotel is one of my top favorite hotels in the world!
The Sanctuary at Kiawah Island Golf Resort
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Gold List 2023
Readers' Choice Awards 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Kiawah Island is a 21-mile drive southwest of downtown Charleston, yet it feels worlds away. Drive through rural John’s Island, beneath tunnels of gnarled live oaks, across the marsh, pausing briefly at the island’s gatehouse, then continue along four more miles of winding road to reach The Sanctuary. Bellhops dressed in classic knickers and argyle socks sprint to help with your luggage, their sunshiny dispositions adding to the sensation that you’ve landed somewhere special. Design-wise, The Sanctuary straddles modern and traditional. On the one hand, you’ve got state-of-the-art construction built in 2004 to withstand the occasional hurricane (thick walls, solid windows, no ambient noise). On the other hand, old-school design touches give the hotel warmth and softness: floral drapes, mahogany bed frames, Victorian picture hangers, and soft yellow hues. —Allston McCrady